Birth of a child is a joyous affair. Everyone wants kids. Marriage in India is done to have kids, right? But in this we forget that it is not only the child we want, but we want HEALTHY KIDS. Every mom should at that time needs to look after her health, take care of what she eats and not live in stress. That said and done, it also becomes imperative that if there is an inkling of doubt regarding the child's health, start researching. If the doctor has any inclination of something being wrong with the baby, then please take necessary actions. However, much it seems heartless at that point, I can assure you, no child wants to go through an ocean of pain, social sympathy and economic torture.
From Reuben...
Dear Modern Parents,
Please take care of your kids from the day they are conceived. If you have any inclination that the child will not be 100% perfect in mind and body, then please rethink before delivering. If you think I am being cruel now, it is nothing compared to the life I have led.
I wanted to laugh and play cricket. I could not. I wanted to ride a bike, I could not. You still don't think I need to be aborted? Well, how about this, I never could eat salt in any form all through my childhood. When my friends were getting ready for a sports day, I was busy getting hooked to an I.V. I was always having fluid retention in my body. There were day I could not walk also. All I can say is I was not given the choice whether I wanted to live like this or not.
Don't hate me too much for this suggestion. I was only 4 when I started questioning why I am different from others. May all kids be born healthy. Love Reuben.

From Rubina...
My mother had hepatitis when she was carrying him. The doctor would not abort and she convinced my parents that nothing will happen to the child. My mother was hooked on saline for 6 months, eating only boiled food, rasgullas and sugarcane juice.... and lots and lots of saline water.
When he would ask me why he was born I could not answer him. I knew not the purpose of his birth except for the fact that I loved my bro too much. How do I know that I loved him too much? I cried every year once when the doctors would say that he is in a critical stage. I cried like that for 29 years.
Note to my readers...
I am sorry if I have made anyone sad. All I know that no child should endure what he had endured. But then this is not a tale of sadness but a tale of bravery, a constant battle between life and death.
The first time it happened, he was in an incubator.........
From Reuben...
Dear Modern Parents,
Please take care of your kids from the day they are conceived. If you have any inclination that the child will not be 100% perfect in mind and body, then please rethink before delivering. If you think I am being cruel now, it is nothing compared to the life I have led.
I wanted to laugh and play cricket. I could not. I wanted to ride a bike, I could not. You still don't think I need to be aborted? Well, how about this, I never could eat salt in any form all through my childhood. When my friends were getting ready for a sports day, I was busy getting hooked to an I.V. I was always having fluid retention in my body. There were day I could not walk also. All I can say is I was not given the choice whether I wanted to live like this or not.
Don't hate me too much for this suggestion. I was only 4 when I started questioning why I am different from others. May all kids be born healthy. Love Reuben.

From Rubina...
My mother had hepatitis when she was carrying him. The doctor would not abort and she convinced my parents that nothing will happen to the child. My mother was hooked on saline for 6 months, eating only boiled food, rasgullas and sugarcane juice.... and lots and lots of saline water.
When he would ask me why he was born I could not answer him. I knew not the purpose of his birth except for the fact that I loved my bro too much. How do I know that I loved him too much? I cried every year once when the doctors would say that he is in a critical stage. I cried like that for 29 years.
Note to my readers...
I am sorry if I have made anyone sad. All I know that no child should endure what he had endured. But then this is not a tale of sadness but a tale of bravery, a constant battle between life and death.
The first time it happened, he was in an incubator.........