This song is for you Bro...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Cry for Help!!!

courtsey: Journey to Hillsong Blog
I don't know how much blogging will help regarding this matter. But something needs to be said. Something needs to be done. As I enter the dialysis world, I hear so many cries of help, desperation. I want to close my ears. I am human. I am sure you don't want to read further. But I have to have my say here but these the cries of the silent sufferers.

Meet Anamika.....

Name : Anamika [of course pseudo. We don't want to antagonize anyone do we?] We are all Gandhiji's followers. Slap us.. I am ready with my next cheek. So what if I take care not to ruffle your feathers. You have the absolute right to charge me for living, throw me out when you want and as you want. For I am Anamika.......

Age : 24 Young. I have the right to live. But God gave me an extra problem. I know you all have problems in your life. Marriage not working, salary not enough, Kids [I tell you] should be sent to Mars- the way they trouble us. They are your problems.My problem is I cannot have these problems since I cannot marry. Have kids. So I am happy watching yours. You carry on, please. Don't pause. For I sure hope not but life does take unwarranted turns. I hope you are prepared.

My Story:

I am Anamika. My mother works in a hospital. I live in a hospital. I have been diagnosed with renal failure. So I moved from Kolkata to Bangalore to do a checkup. It was supposed to be a small checkup. But it lasted for three years now. I live in the hospital and my mother does odd jobs here to sustain our lives..

Recently I have been told to vacate the place. Where do I go? I don't have a father. My uncles cannot pull on anymore. I want to live with dignity. Is it too much to ask? Don't people like me have the right to live. I have the courage. All I need is the God's Blessing and a guiding hand. All I want is to live or die with dignity. It is my human right.

Every country has a government. My Daddy till he was alive paid taxes. Why can I not get a helping hand from the government now? How do people like me survive? Charity? From where. I belong to the Middle Class. The class that does not get anything but has to give everything. Tax, on time payments of bills, school fees and also maintain a status in the society.

I wanted to do a course. To sustain myself and my Mom. But now the hospital people tell me that I have to look for a room outside the hospital. I pay for this room too. I pay Rs.3000. But outside can I survive? I have to pay the rent. I have to give deposit money and I need to set up my home. My home? I have only a few belonging which takes up a small room in the hospital. How can I shift from here to a new house in this strange city.

From Me to my Readers....

This is a true story. I have come across this girl living in a hospital for 3 years. There is no one with her except her Mom. The hospital, St. Johns has helped her a lot but due to rules are unable to do so any more. She has to move out of the place and get a house for herself.  Without a job, finance and incurring all the medical expenses of dialysis has taken a toll in her life. Any suggestions?

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Blood Donor: Hema Murthy

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed!

This may be a proverb to many of you but I have seen this live in action. During the time of his dire needs when Reuben Daryl would pick up his phone and just say a line," I am in the hospital." friends from all over Bangalore would just come in. Where he lacked in family, he got it with friends. Yes, God works in mysterious ways.

I cannot stress much on the fact that humanity if properly expressed can win many battles. Be it for the world, health or even social causes. Wonder whoever coined the term 'Blood Relative' - did they have this view in mind which got distorted along the way?

If each one of us Donate Blood even once, so many lives can be saved. It may not be your near and dear ones, he or she may not be your friends but he or she will definitely send blessings to your being human account. 

Here is the story of a first time blood donor who was scared, terrified to give blood. But she did. For a Friend.....

Name: Hema Murthy

Age: Are you crazy asking this question....?

Relation to the Patient: A friend.

Has she given blood before: No

Was she scared : YES

Then why did she? Find out..... In her own words.......

1. What made you donate your blood for the first time?
 Rony was the reason, never thought I would donate blood because I am very scared of injections but when it boiled down to a person whom you care so much realized it was far more worth it. I guess the drive to help a loved one would be the reason.

2. Did not the thoughts of Aids and any other disease come in your mind?
No, I was fine as I saw they use sterilized needles and other equipment. 

3. How did the staff of the hospital treat you during the process?
The staff were more than happy to help , assist and guide. So was put to ease.

4.Was it worth it?
It was all worth it, had a great satisfaction once I stepped out.

5.Would you do it again?
I would do that again if that will save a person's life anytime.

My Personal Note:
Thank you Hema for coming forward. I know there are many people out there who regularly give blood and they don't want to come forward to reveal their names. But if we have to spread the word, we have to speak out. This is one part of the donation which cannot be man made. Only we humans can save each other. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Selfless Love and Friendships

There comes a time in a person's life that whatever he had taken for granted becomes a mirage. An oasis, after which he keeps on running without thinking about the surreal situation. I meet so many people in my everyday life who are happy with what they have. Happy, satisfied, smug in their perfect world. I am afraid even I was one them. Then when a bolt of lightening hits us we feel surprised, angry, incredulous at the sudden attack. And this is the moment we wake up to find that there is a world out there where people need us and where we need others in our life.

The Gods must be mocking at us from Kailash, Olympus or simple and pure Heaven. We humans have duplicated everything... Except what is inside us. For our internal organs and for the very blood that is flowing in our body we have to depend on someone else. Someone anonymous who walks boldly through the corridors of an eerie hospital, donating an organ or blood for you. I salute each one of you who have donated your blood for someone you even did not know. 

For the critiques and the smirkys out there, YES there are people out there who have never donated blood in their entire life, who would cringe at the sight of a small needle but during the need and the demand of the hour boldly came forward to save a friend. 

Telling everyone Donate Blood is very easy. What I found fascinating about the whole thing is why do these people donate blood. Is it a do good theory or idealism? Is there a story behind the donations? Or simply they are just humans who have understood the true meaning of the word HUMANITY. 

I know I have been slow in gathering information. Pardon me. But in the last few months I have come across people who have shared their organs, given blood on a regular basis [professional blood donor] and some our to circumstances have overcome their fears. I have been interviewing some of these soldiers for some time now. Hopefully I will have many more joining me with their stories. 

Keeping on watching this space for some touching, heartening and selfless stories of love and sacrifice.