Talking about organ donation is one of the toughest things I have ever done. Many of us are afraid to talk about it. I wondered why. I started asking questions to many youngsters and aged. The answers I got have opened my eyes. I would wonder why people are not responding to my queries. I would wonder where I am going wrong. I would wonder whether I am making an impact. But one thing I would not wonder is - Am I right in asking this of people?
There are some names I would love to take here- who have done the act. Youngsters who are proud organ donors. I have come across young girls who have not only donated their organs but who has also motivated her family to sign up too. I am proud to know such people and I do hope they will come forward with their stories for me to tell it to you all.
And then I came across a person who asked me Have I done it or am I preaching only. At first I got very angry and then I thought why am I getting angry. I have suffered as I have seen a loved one suffering. But to all who have not faced this situation, to them this is surreal. I understand. And to answer your query I will openly say that YES I have donated my organs.

In the course of Reuben's operations I have met so many of his friends who have selflessly donated blood. Once when I was by his side I saw so many of his friends who without preamble would come and give their blood and such an act would always bring tears in his eyes. He would call you all his Blood Brothers.
This time when I was not there, I know many of you came. I heard that most of you came because of his friend's Facebook Status. I was overwhelmed. I am humbled. And I promise to be a part of this selfless act whenever I can. Here I know of someone who gave her blood for the first time. I know she was scared but she did it for friendship. That act of hers will never be forgotten. Like that so many of you turned up. I wish I knew all your names. I wish I met all of you. But you guys are a motivation for this movement. I just hope many of you join me in my endeavor for this awareness.
I will be following this post with the interviews of the people who have actually donated their organs. Gathering information is taking time and i am sorry if this topic saddens you. But this is my small step in saving just one life if I can.
I have so many plans which we both had discussed , especially in the last few months. I don't know how far I will be able to go alone without him but I sure am going to try. Thank you all for private messages you guys have sent me, I respect your privacy. Thank you to all those dialysis technicians who have joined me in my fight and to all those Doctor's who are so free with their information and most of all the biggest thank you to all those laymen who are afraid but yet have come forward to donate their organs.
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